トップページ > 国際関連情報(中小企業国際化支援ナビゲーター) > PAPEREX 2023(インド大使館)


PAPEREX 2023(インド大使館)



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Greetings from the Embassy of India, Japan.


We are pleased to inform that The 16th edition of Paperex, World’s largest Paper Show will be organized from 6-9 Dec 2023 at India Expo centre, Delhi NCR, India, which promises the presence of the brands and companies from the paper Industry from all over the world with the latest technology in paper production along with some of the most innovative and eco-friendly products.


For more details, please visit https://india.paperex-expo.com or contact via Ph: +91 9311378553 or

Email: paperex@hyve.group


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在日インド大使館 商務部


Suresh Lakhavath氏

